ASI Hydraulics is actively looking to expand our distributor channels by adding both Domestic and International Distributors. Become an ASI Hydraulics Distributor and enjoy the business opportunities and additional revenue generation that our comprehensive range of products and recognized brand delivers! Still asking yourself, why become a ASI Distributor?

- Industry-leading Hydraulic Power Units & System products and services, brand recognition, custom design and full in house support staff.
- Marketing campaigns, special offers, and special price lists to provide value to you and your customers.
- Technical and sales staff dedicated to guide you in growing and expanding.
- Training dedicated to help with product and market knowledge and accelerate growth.
- Access to the largest selection of standard and customizable filtration products.
- High Revenue generation and in-demand products, Large local/International markets
- Complimentary product line, Lead Generation Support
- Great tier Discount and Incentive structure
- Qualification for private label brand building with your company name
- Promote our manufactured products to current and new customers
- Follow up on provided and generated qualified leads
- Work with internal and external sales/account manager(s) on collaborative opportunities
- Meet sales objectives and goals
- Facilitate ongoing training and product reviews
- Must be in business for more than 5 years, have an established building in or around the states/Country you serve
- Active sales force in markets we manufacture for: Mining, Industrial, Off Road, Railroad, Process, Energy, Maintenance, Pulp & Paper, Construction etc..
- Ideal Candidates: Hydraulic Distributors and suppliers, hydraulic service and repair companies, and many more (call or email for initial qualification)
- *All requests will be reviewed and responded to promptly.